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Cihangir Akşit's Novels

Sarı Sessizlik

Sarı Sessizlik
The disappearance novel
Sarikamish 1914

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe
A 27 year service in
defense of a nation



Day Seven (28 December 1914)


10th Corps:

10th Corps advanced up to the Yağbasan line. The 9th Corps was ordered to attack since there were some indications that the Russian Forces were withdrawing from Sarikamish and fires started in the town. The 17th Division of this Corps had only 300 soldiers left.

Sketch: 28 December 1914
Sketch: 28 December 1914

9th Corps:

9th Corps were accomplishing their mission bravely. However plenty of Turkish Soldiers which were defending upper Sarikamish could not withstand to the assault of 155th Russian Regiment. Yağmurlu had fallen. Thus Russians relax a little more. Meanwhile Turkish Soldiers started to put on fire the forest on Sedat Pasha ridge to get warmer.

Sketch: 28 December 1914
Sketch: 28 December 1914

11th Corps:

In the mean time the Russian 1st Plaston Brigade at the 11th Corps front had also come to Sarikamish. So the Russians became even stronger. By the way General Mislayevski escaped to Tiflis and Yudenic replaced the absence of Mislayevski. General Behrman were at 11th Corps Front.