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Cihangir Akşit's Novels

Sarı Sessizlik

Sarı Sessizlik
The disappearance novel
Sarikamish 1914

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe
A 27 year service in
defense of a nation



The content of this site is based on the texts and slides used on the conferance given by Cihangir Akşit to about 300 people at the NATO's SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers Europe) auditorum in Mons, Belgium organized by the SHAPE History Society on 5 February 2003.

Dear visitor,

The Sarikamish Campaign was not recorded as a victory in Turkish millitary history, however, it is commemorated as a test of patience and persistence of the brave and selfless Mehmetchiks (Turkish soldiers) beyond the limits of human nature. In this website you will find detailed information about the SARIKAMISH CAMPAIGN.

I had the opportunity to analyze the terrain between 1975 and 1978.

In 1976 and 1977 I passed these dreadful paths with appropriate equipment for the winter conditions which the 9th and the 10th Corps faced during the campaign.

I interviewed many old people who were eyewitnesses to the Sarikamish operation. I am certain that had I not won their trust, none of them would have told me their stories. They were gulping and looking down without saying a word when I started to inquire about Sarikamish. It seemed that remembering those days gave them a hideous pain. I often had to cut my questions short, so as not to upset them any further leading to a terrifying silence. This was exactly the same "yellow silence" as described in many books; cold, mysterious and bloodless.

I salute, with respect, all these forgotten soldiers of both sides.

Cihangir Akşit      
Sarikamish Operation